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Invasive alien plants (IAPS) and urban flora of Pokhara, Nepal

Poudel, A. & Tiruwa B.

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Ecological plasticity of four invasive populations of the topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva

Balzani, P.; La Sala, G.; Busatto, T.; Santini, G. & Annamaria Nocita

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Morphology and molecular identification of native, invasive and cryptogenic seaweed species

González-Toral, C.; López-Alonso, R.; Pascual_Parra, E.; Carrera-Rodríguez, I. et al., 

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Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis L.): a warning from Hungary

Erdélyi, A.; Hugyecz, M.; Pálfi, M.; Lerch, T.; Hartdégen, J.;Malatinszky, Á. & Vadász, Cs.

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Tradescantia fluminensis invading the Tins River: a threat to the conservation of native flora

González-Outeiriño, F.; Retuerto, R. & Rodríguez, J.  

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Effects of aqueous extracts of Ulex europaeus and Teline monspessulana on Portulaca oleracea weeds

Montero-Conejeros, F.

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Mapping the Potential Cumulative Impact of Invasive Alien Species on Mountain Ecosystems from Different Biogeographic Regions of the World

Rabassa-Juvantehy, J. & Claramunt-López, B. 

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Chemical control of Ailanthus altissima by using different techniques

Soler, J.; Izquierdo, J. & Vilamú, J.

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Legacy effect of Leucanthemum vulgare on native soil seedbank: an experimental approach

Lone, S.; Ahmed, R.; Rashid, I.; Rasray, B. & Khuroo, A.

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Effects of Carpobrotus edulis in the germination of native plant species

Alonso, M.; Pérez-Diz, M.; Núñez-González, N. & González, L.

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