Oral presentations 2021

Click on the video to view the presentation.

Milestones in Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) trapping programmes: a case of denialism or disinformation in invasion management?
Lueje, Y.R.

Epibionts and parasites of crayfish (Decapoda: Astacidea) of Asturias (North of Spain)
Ureña, M. & Arias, A.

The influence of Artocarpus heterophyllus (jackfruit) on Brazilian Amazon native species
Silva Magalhães, L.C., Correa, R.C. &  Silva-Forsberg, M.C.

Understanding how characteristics of invaded habitats influence the
performance of invasive Carpobrotus edulis
Pérez-Diz, M.; Rodríguez-Addesso, B. & González, L.

The use of ecological interaction networks to evaluate target and non target
effects of Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae in Portugal
López-Núñez, F.A.; Heleno, R.; Marchante, H. & Marchante, H.

The battle for the survival of the white snout
Feáns, L. & Fernández, L.

Control mechanisms of Carpobrotus edulis in an anthropic coastal
Celi, F.; Fernández, P. &  Valles-Espina, P.

Stakeholders networks for the management of alien invasive species in
protected areas
Benavides, S.; Galdames-Opazo, W.;  Pizarro, J.C. & Pauchard, A.

If you have any questions: iyrcis.conference@gmail.com

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