Poster communications 2022

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Impact and management of invasive Ichthyofauna in Pyrenean high mountain lakes

Francés, S.

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Arctotheca calendula versus Hércules: The capeweed problematic in A Coruña

Cruz, I. & Portolà, M.

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Expansion and management of mimosa (Acacia dealbata Link)

Díaz García, P. & Fernández Quintela, B.

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Yellowish Memories

Comesaña, M.

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"Troyangoldfish, an underestimated invader

Díaz-Lago, L., Peleteiro-Fiuza, S. & Albizúa, T. 

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Invader in reptile land

López, L. & Pérez, L. 

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The role of genetic diversity in the expansion and invasive mechanism of Linepithema humile (Mayr, 1868)

Velasco, J.F.

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Exotic pets: the coati problem (Nasua sp. L, 1766)

Corredoira L.C.; Balado C.A. & Alcalde A.C.

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The chestnut wasp: problems and management

Muñoz, A.; Vázquez, N. & Martínez, I. 

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A non-harmful invasive species?

López, I.

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Eucalyptus common in the Fragas do Eume: impact generated and control of this species.

Pardiñas, R. 

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Carpobrotus edulis:
fighting abiotic stress in different habitats

Pérez-Diz, M.; Rodríguez-Addesso, B.; Hussain, M.I.; Rodríguez, J.; Novoa, A. & González, L.

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Distribution of invasive species in Kaziranga Tiger Reserve 

Das, R.; Saeed, U.; Deka, J.R. & Hussain, S.A.

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Spread of Mimosa invisa: progression through their seediness into Kaziranga Tiger Reserve, Assam

Saeed, U.; Das, R. & Hussain, S.A.

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Invasive alien species at Vigo Campus of University of Vigo

Ureña, M.; Casal, D.; Lamas, I. % Ramos, S.

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