Oral presentations 2022

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Per-capita impacts of an invasive grass vary across levels of ecological
organization in a tropical savanna
Damasceno, G. &  Fidelis, A.

Genetic Reconstruction of the Invasion History of Gambusia spp. in India
Nobinraja, M. & Ravikanth, G.

The social aspects of biological invasions – involving stakeholders in the
research on the establishment of the European flounder (Platichthys
) in Iceland
Henke, T. & Ólafsdóttir, G.Á.

The invasive fungus that threatens amphibians worldwide
González Escriche, J.

Introduction and expansion of the boreal raccoon (Procyon lotor) in the
Iberian Peninsula and its establishment in the Miño River environment
Díaz Suárez, L. &  Pérez Marcet, R.

Mechanical or biological control of Carpobrotus edulis, which will be
more effective?
Núñez-González, N.; Rodríguez, J. & González

Morphogenetic characterization of the invasive snail,Viviparus
in the New York Great Lakes Basin
Abeyrathna, W.A.N.U. &  Davinack, A.A.

Freshwater crayfish introductions in Africa
Madzivanzira, T.C.; South, J. &  Weyl, OLF

Vespa velutina in Europe: distribution and key factors in the invasion
Casal, D.

Reduction of Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. shoots in Fragas do Eume by
planting native vegetation
Casal, N. & Nolla, M.

Deworming protocol for invasive turtle trematodes
Trueba-Ramírez, E.

If you have any questions: iyrcis.conference@gmail.com

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