Wisdom of the crowd: evidence for density-dependent species fitness in
Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit.
Kanhaiya Shah
Genetic structure of the invasive Spartina alterniflora and Spartina anglica and their unintentional introduction into South Korean coasts
Buhari Lawan Muhammad
Accidental biocontrol: human-mediated dispersal of insect parasitoids and predators
Gyda Fenn-Moltu
Exotic and invasive species of ships, harbours and marinas from the Cantabrian Sea
Ricardo López Alonso
The non-native flora of Budapest (Hungary)
Attila Rigó
The alienfish project: monitoring non-indigenous fish species along Italian coasts
Alessandro Nota
Black locust invasions facilitate invasions by its insect herbivores
Vladimir Medzihorsky
Spatio temporal patterns of public attention to alien species across an invasion front: a case study from the Mediterranean Sea
Lara Fazzari
Impact of Prunus serotina and Robinia pseudoacacia on temperate forests regeneration
Sebastian Bury
How are pollination networks affected by an invasive plant? A case study with Carpobrotus acinaciformis and bees
Luiz Felipe Cordeiro Serigheli
Impacts of an invasive fish species in neotropical reservoirs
Aymar Orlandi Neto
Scarification and allelochemical interaction between invasive fabaceans and the native fabacean Vachellia caven (Molina): scientific evidence to predict potential cohabitation scenarios
Vianca Fernández
Sensitive environmental DNA (eDNA) methods to detect invasive hemlock woolly adelgid and its biological control predators Leucotaraxis silver flies and a Laricobius beetle
Anish Kirtane
Do plant-herbivore interactions recover after the invasive plant Carpobrotus spp. is removed?
Noa Núñez González
Mapping and controlling invasive alien plants at Capraia Island (Italy)
Alice Misuri
Predicting the global spread of two aggressive Thiaridae invaders
using ensemble models
Sive Kolisi
Feral horses in natural grasslands of the Argentinian Pampas
Franco Bostal
A wellbeing perspective on biological invasions: Impact of Lantana camara on forest dependent communities in India
Varnika Walvekar
Cities as landscape shapers: exotic plants contribution
to local flora in South America through the lens of big data
María Virginia González
Isotopic compositions shed new light on the plasticity of Carpobrotus species
Marta Pérez Diz
Predicted range shifts of invasive Giant Hogweed
(Heracleum mantegazzianum ) in Europe
Quadri A. Anibaba
Introduction pathways shape the success of non-native plants
along landscape gradients
Marc Riera
Contrasting effects of predictor collinearity on the transferability
of invasive species distribution models
Sergio Luna
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